1041107 | 第一作者 | Patients’ coping process of having acute myocardial infraction (AMI) attack and receiving urgent percutaneous coronary interventions (PCIs): a grounded theory study | 2015 Sigma Theta Tau International 43rd Nursing Research Conference |
1041107 | 通訊作者 | Effectiveness of surgery and percutaneous catheter drainage(PCD) with antibiotics for pyogenic liver abscess patients | 2015 Sigma Theta Tau International 43rd Nursing Research Conference |
1040619 | 通訊作者 | Compare the discomfort and complications of Manual compression (MC) versus Vascular closure device (VCD) for percutaneous coronary interventions (PCIs) | 2015 ICN International Conference and CNR |
1040420 | 第一作者 | Arrhythmias perceptions, quality of life, and associated factors of cardiovascular patients | 2015 RCN Annual International Nursing Research Conference and Exhibition |
1040420 | 第一作者 | Quality of life and self-care ability of patients with permeant pacemaker implantation | 2015 RCN Annual International Nursing Research Conference and Exhibition |
1031121 | 通訊作者 | 胸主動脈瘤剝離患者行血管內動脈瘤修復術與傳統開心手術之術後合併症比較 | 中區技職校院區域教學資源中心醫護類科夥伴學校實證護理能力競賽暨論文發表 |
1031121 | 通訊作者 | 比較利尿劑與體外血液過濾對急性心衰竭併肺水腫患者之成效 | 中區技職校院區域教學資源中心醫護類科夥伴學校實證護理能力競賽暨論文發表 |
1031101 | 通訊作者 | 探討一位心房腫瘤患者行胸骨切開心臟手術後使用胸骨支撐背心之是否能預防合併症? | 第五屆海峽護理論壇 |
1030926 | 通訊作者 | 胸主動脈剝離病人接受人工血管置換手術之內心感受 | 第二屆上海國際護理大會 |
1030911 | 第一作者 | 探討裝置永久性心節律器之心律不整患者其自我照顧行為與生活品質 | 2014 亞太國際護理研討會,2014.9.11-13. 台北圓山飯店 |
1030911 | 通訊作者 | 探討冠心病患者憂鬱與D 型人格之相關性:系統性文獻回顧 | 2014 亞太國際護理研討會,2014.9.11-13. 台北圓山飯店 |
1030911 | 通訊作者 | 比較經股動脈行冠狀動脈介入術患者使用血管閉合裝置與徒手加壓其不適感與合併症:系統性文獻查證 | 2014 亞太國際護理研討會 |
1030911 | 通訊作者 | 主動回溫系統對改善手術全期低體溫患者舒適度之成效:系統性文獻回顧 | 2014 亞太國際護理研討會 |
1020830 | 第一作者 | Radial versus femoral access for cardiac catheterization: | 第30屆海峽二岸護理研討會 |
1020830 | 通訊作者 | Duration of bed rest after transfemoral catheterisation in preventing complications. | 第30屆海峽二岸護理研討會 |
1020330 | 通訊作者 | 運用實證文獻探討脾臟鈍傷併發腹內出血患者行血管栓塞或採不開刀治療的成功率比較 | 台灣專科護理師學會第三屆第1次會員代表大會海報發表 |
1011206 | 通訊作者 | 心導管術後患者使用血管閉合裝置與徒手加壓的合併症比較 | 中區技職校院區域教學資源中心醫護類科夥伴學校實證護理能力競賽 |
1011206 | 通訊作者 | 以實證文獻探討阻塞性肥厚心肌症患者行心室中膈心肌切除術(SM)與室間隔心肌消融術(SMA)之預後比較 | 中區技職校院區域教學資源中心醫護類科夥伴學校實證護理能力競賽暨論文發表會 |
1011206 | 通訊作者 | 第四期口腔鱗狀上皮細胞癌患者接受手術治療與手術結合放射治療之存活率比較 | 中區技職校院區域教學資源中心醫護類科夥伴學校實證護理能力競賽暨論文發表會 |
1000902 | 通訊作者 | 影響護理人員的護理專業形象與留任意願之相關因素探討 | 第廿七次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流 |
1000502 | 第一作者 | Medication compliant behaviours and associated factors of hospitalized cardiovascular patients | The Internal Council of Nurses (ICN) Congress |
0990511 | 第二作者 | A study of parental stress and development of preschool-aged children of the immigrant mothers in Taiwan | The 2010 International Nursing Research Conference |
0990511 | 第二作者 | The exploration of decision making in fever management for critical patients among nurses | The 2010 International Nursing Research Conference |
0990511 | 第二作者 | The exploration of the impact and needs of immigrant mothers when they bring their critically ill children to the emergency department | The 2010 International Nursing Research Conference |
0990511 | 第一作者 | The exploration of perceived health, life quality and coping stratgies of the community-living elderly with cardiovascular diseases | The 2010 International Nursing Research Conference |
0980926 | 第一作者 | The Hypoalgesic Effects of Four Modes of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) in Healthy Humans: a Pilot Study upon the RIII Nociceptive Reflex. | The 58th Annual Physical Therapy Conference of Taiwan |
0980627 | 第一作者 | Nurses' perceptions of working under the reorganizations of current health care system in Taiwan | 2009 The International Council of Nurses |
0980627 | 第一作者 | Perceived health,quality of life, and coping strategies among the Taiwan elderly with cardiovascular diseases: a qualitative study | 2009 The International Council of Nurses Congress |
0970408 | 第一作者 | The coping stratgies towards occupational stress among nurses in Taiwan: does the culture matter? | 2008 Royal College of Nursing of the UK Research Society |
0960907 | 第一作者 | An exploration of the National Health Insurance and Hspital Accreditation in influencing Taiwanese nurses' work environment. | 2007 海峽二岸研討會 |
0960820 | 第一作者 | The cultural issues within the leadership of health care organization in Taiwan: from nurses' perspectives. | 2007 World Mental Health Congress |
0960501 | 第一作者 | A study of occupational stress amd stress management among critical care nurses in Taiwan using grounded theory. | 2007 Royal College of Nursing of the UK Research Society |
0960501 | 第一作者 | The cultural issues within the leadership of critical care nursing in Taiwan | 2007 Royal College of Nursing of UK Research Society |
0950512 | 第一作者 | A stdudy of occupational stress, psychological health status and stress management among critical care nurses in Taiwan: a preliminary study. | 2006 The British Psychological Society. |
0950512 | 第一作者 | A study of occupational stress and stress management among critical care nurses in Taiwan | The British Psychological Society |
0950328 | 第一作者 | A study of work stress and coping stratgies among critical care nurses in Taiwan | 2006 Royal College of Nursing of the UK Research Society |