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最後更新時間:112/12/12 14:21:42
* 教師基本資料
E-mail: linkp@sunrise.hk.edu.tw
Office hours:星期二:第4節;星期三:第4節;星期四:第4-中午節
1121 學期授課課程:社區衛生護理學實習、專題製作(一)、進階護理學實習(二)、研究及實證護理概論、社區衛生護理學綜論

* 學歷與經歷

國立臺北護理健康大學 護理研究所
高雄醫學大學 護理學研究所
中國醫藥學院 公共衛生系
社團法人台灣長照及高齡健康管理發展協會長期照顧醫事人員暨照顧管理人員專業課程-Level 3整合課程結業證書
* 獲頒獎項與榮譽資料
* 期刊論文
1110311通訊作者 Association Among Work Characteristics, Role Transition, and Job Burnout in Nurse Practitioners in Taiwan INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing SSCI
1110216第二作者 The impact of organisational commitment and leadership style on job satisfaction of nurse practitioners in acute care practices Journal of Nursing Management SSCI
1100601通訊作者 Prediction factors of weight control intention in Chinese young adults International Journal of Nursing Practice SSCI
1080403第四作者 Prognostic association of demographic and clinical factors with the change rates of symptoms and depression among patients with hepatocellular carcinoma Supportive care in cancer SCI
1080307第二作者 Altered Mineral Metabolism and Disequilibrium Between Calcification Promoters and Inhibitors in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients Biological Trace Element Research SCI
1061031第一作者 The Lifestyle Change Experiences of Cancer Survivors The Journal of Nursing Research SSCI
1060731第一作者 Validating a Chinese version of the Weight Self?stigma Questionnaire for use with obese adults International Journal of Nursing Practice SSCI
1050222第一作者 男同志向父母現身之心理歷程 弘光學報 弘光學報
1040309第四作者 造血幹細胞移植病患住院期間主觀治療經驗 弘光學報 弘光學報
1030630第二作者 LIVED EXPERIENCE OF PATIENTS UNDERGOING ALLOGENEIC PERIPHERAL HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELL TRANSPLANT International Journal of Research In Medical and Health Sciences 各學院認定之優良專業領域期刊(國際期刊)
1030617第一作者 Associations Among Depression, Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome in Young Adult Females Biological Research for Nursing SCI
1010604通訊作者 「血液幹細胞移植後生活品質」之概念分析 弘光學報 各學院認定之優良專業領域期刊(國內期刊)
1010420第三作者 Nutritional Supplement Therapy Improves Oxidative Stress, Immune Response, Pulmonary Function, and Quality of Life inAllergic Asthma Patients: An Open-Label Pilot Study Alternative Medicine Review SCI
1010222第一作者 Relationships among depression mood, obesity and metabolic syndrome in young adult female International Journal of nursing Practice 其他
1010113第三作者 Trace metal imbalance associated with oxidative stress and inflammatory status in anti-hepatitis C virus antibody positive subjects environment toxicology and pharmacology SCI
0990601第二作者 精神病患社區持續性照護-以中部某縣為例 護理雜誌 各學院認定之優良專業領域期刊(國內期刊)
0990401第三作者 出院準備概念於精神病患照護的應用 護理雜誌 各學院認定之優良專業領域期刊(國內期刊)
0981201第一作者 The Relationship Between Serum Uric Acid Concentration and Metabolic Syndrome in University Freshmen Journal of Nursing Research TSSCI
0980601第一作者 醫護學院新生肥胖與代謝症候群之探討 護理暨健康照護研究 各學院認定之優良專業領域期刊(國內期刊)
0980301第一作者 Y世代護生的關懷經驗 弘光學報 弘光學報
0970801第一作者 疾病狀況、憂鬱與糖尿病個案生活品質之相關探討 弘光學報 弘光學報
0961130第一作者 健檢族群生活型態與新陳代謝症候群相關性之探討 弘光學報 弘光學報
0950505第三作者 穴位按摩於下背痛之應用 弘光學報 弘光學報
0931205第一作者 與公衛護士互動關係感受、疾病知識、疾病態度與糖尿病自我照顧行為的關係 台灣公共衛生雜誌 TSSCI
0931205第一作者 醫護大學學生戒菸後再 回復吸菸的經驗 護理雜誌 各學院認定之優良專業領域期刊(國內期刊)
* 研究計劃
產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件)1101201 - 1120228共同主持人Evidence-based Strategies to Promote Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer::The Academic-Community Partnership
政府其他部會之案件1070403 - 1081231協同主持人「長照弘情
學發會計畫1040101 - 1041231主持人減重行為意圖相關影響因素:性別差異之探討
學發會計畫1030101 - 1031231主持人睡眠呼吸中止症患者接受正壓呼吸器治療後的 n-3 多元不飽和脂肪酸狀態、發炎因子與生活品質之變化—A pilot study
學發會計畫1020101 - 1021231主持人使用正壓呼叫器對睡眠呼吸中止患者的生活品質與氧化壓力之影響
計畫型獎補助案0980101 - 0981231協同主持人98年度銀髮族全人健康照顧管理人才培訓計劃--子計畫二:銀髮族慢性病全人照護管理課程發展計劃
政府其他部會之案件0970101 - 0971231共同主持人臨床醫學之營養研究暨醫學營養之檢測中心設置計劃-第三年延續計劃
學發會計畫0970101 - 0971231主持人血液透析對DNA損傷及氧化壓力變化之評估
學發會計畫0960101 - 0961231主持人中風患者的微量金屬與氧化壓力之評估
 0950101 - 0951231共同主持人臨床醫學之營養研究暨醫學營養檢測中心設置計劃-第二年延續計劃
 0950101 - 0951231共同主持人食道、胃與結直腸癌患者血清和組織中的重金屬前瞻性分析並探討其與職業別、居住地和癌症期別的相關
 0950101 - 0951231共同主持人大一新生血脂型態、氧化壓力與憂鬱狀態之評估
 0950101 - 0951231共同主持人葉酸抑制因同半胱氨酸誘發血管平滑肌細胞生長之評估
 0950101 - 0951231共同主持人續發性副甲狀腺高能症患者的維生素B群與同半胱氨酸之評估
 0940701 - 0941210共同主持人臨床醫學之營養研究暨醫學營養檢測中心設置計劃
 0940101 - 0941231主持人生活型態危險因子與新陳代謝症候群之相關探討
* 研討會論文
1111018第一作者The Relationships of Work Stress, Sleep Quality and Metabolic Syndrome in LaborersThe 7th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science
1081111第一作者Oxidative stress, depression and quality of life with different glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus29th Asia Pacific Nursing Care Congress
1081111第二作者Single and multiple dose effects of Swidish messgae on blood pressure, cortisol levels, and STAI-S in patients with hypertension: A randomized controlled pilot study 29th Asia Pacific Nursing Care Congress
1081111第三作者Effect of gender difference in patient education program on promoting regular follow-up in hepetitis C virus infected patients: Base on the theory of planned behavior29th Asia Pacific Nursing Care Congress
1081111第四作者Experience of preceptor-guided critical care unit's clinical practicum of nursing students29th Asia Pacific Nursing Care Congress
1080816第一作者中文版專科護理師角色轉換量表於專科護理師信度與效度之檢定2019 AAPINA & TWNA Joint International Conference
1080321第一作者Factors Associated with Weight-Control Intention Among Young Adults Vary with SexThe Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences(AP2019)
1080321通訊作者Experiences of the Sleep Quality of First-Year University StudentsThe Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences(AP2019)
1060802第一作者Understanding the Health Behaviors Implementation in Cancer Survivors: An Application of the Theory of Planned BehaviorThe 2nd Asia-Pacific Nursing Research Conference
1060802第二作者Health-Related Quality of Life in Cancer Patients With Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation- Mixed Methods The 2nd Asia-Pacific Nursing Research Conference
1060802第三作者The Effects and Mechanisms of Massage for Cortisol Levels, and Anxiety in Patients With Hypertension: A Randomized Controlled Pilot StudyThe 2nd Asia-Pacific Nursing Research Conference
1050902第一作者Factors Related to Intention to Weight Loss: Variations in Different Gender第三十二次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸護理學術交流
1050314第一作者Translation and Validating a Chinese version of the Weight Self-Stigma Questionnaire for use with young obese adults19th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars
1040604第一作者睡眠呼吸中止症患者接受正壓呼吸器治療後的n-3多元不飽和脂肪酸狀態、發炎因子與生活品質之變化- A Pilot Study103學年度弘光科技大學學術研究成果發表會
1040326第一作者A Tough Journey: The Experience of Weight Loss among Early Adulthood Students5th Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Science
1040205第一作者Association between weight self-stigma, body image, media influence and intension to weight loss in university students18th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars
1030921第一作者Oxidative Stress, Sleep Quality, and Life Function in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.10th Nutritional Medicine Conference on “Nutraceutical and Adjuvant Therapy of Diseases”, CCGH
1030921第二作者Essential Elements Status in Female College Students with Depression Prone 10th Nutritional Medicine Conference on “Nutraceutical and Adjuvant Therapy of Diseases”, CCGH
1030921第三作者The Effects of Nutritional Supplementation on Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Status and Depression Status in Female College Student10th Nutritional Medicine Conference on “Nutraceutical and Adjuvant Therapy of Diseases”, CCGH
1030911第一作者The Experience and Perception of Health Behaviors in cancer SurvivorsAsia-Pacific Nursing Research Conference
1020221第一作者The experience of weight loss among university studentsThe 16th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars
1010222第一作者Relationships among depression mood, obesity and metabolic syndrome in young adult female.15th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS)
0980904第三作者Multiple Nutrition Supplementation Improves Pulmonary Function and Oxidative stress in Asthma Patients. (Poster)19th International Congress of Nutrition (ICN 2009)
0961130第一作者Health-related quality of life and oxidative stress in diabetic patients.第四屆營養醫學學術研討會
0960909第一作者Association of oxidative stress with health-related quality of life from diabetic patients.亞洲營養學會聯盟第十屆大會暨學術研討會
* 學術性研究專書、教師專業專書、技術報告資料