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E-mail: lcc988@sunrise.hk.edu.tw
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1021 學期授課課程:本學期無課程

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* 獲頒獎項與榮譽資料
* 期刊論文
1010315第一作者 Chrysin, a Natural and Biologically Active Flavonoid,Influences a Murine Leukemia Model In Vivo through Enhancing Populations of T-and B-Cells, and Promoting Macrophage Phagocytosis and NK Cell Cytotoxicity . In Vivo. 2012. 26(4) (In Press) SCI
1000730第一作者 Extract of Hedyotis diffusa Willd Influences Murine Leukemia WEHI-3 Cells In Vivo as Well as Promoting T- and B-Cell Proliferation in Leukemic Mice. In Vivo. 2011 Jul-Aug;25(4): SCI
1000714第一作者 Wogonin triggers apoptosis in human osteosarcoma U-2 OS cells through the endoplasmic reticulum stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and caspase-3-dependent signaling pathways. International Journal of Oncology 2011 Jul;39(1):217-24 SCI
0990921第五作者 Arsenic trioxide (As(2)O(3)) inhibits murine WEHI-3 leukemia in BALB/c mice in vivo. Environmental Toxicology 2010 Sep 30. [Epub ahead of print] SCI
0981121第一作者 Danthron inhibits the migration and invasion of human brain glioblastoma multiforme cells through the inhibition of mRNA expression of focal adhesion kinase, Rho kinases-1 and metalloproteinase-9. Oncology Reports 2009 Nov;22(5):1033-7 SCI
0971231第五作者 The roles of endoplasmic reticulum stress and Ca2+ on rhein-induced apoptosis in A-549 human lung cancer cells Anticancer Research 2009 Jan;29(1):309-18 SCI
0971213第五作者 DNA damage and endoplasmic reticulum stress mediated curcumin-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human lung carcinoma A-549 cells through the activation caspases cascade- and mitochondrial-dependent pathway. Cancer Lett. 2008 Dec 8;272(1):77-90. SCI
0971121第四作者 Effects of luteolin on distribution and metabolism of 2-aminofluorene in male Sprague-Dawley rats. In Vivo. 2008 Nov-Dec;22(6):729-34. SCI
0960921第一作者 Berberine induces apoptosis in human HSC-3 oral cancer cells via simultaneous activation of the death receptor-mediated and mitochondrial pathway. Anticancer Research. 2007 Sep-Oct;27(5A):3371-8 SCI
0960822第五作者 Crude extracts of Euchresta formosana radix inhibit invasion and migration of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Anticancer Res. 2007 Jul-Aug;27(4B):2377-84 SCI
0960719第五作者 Crude extracts of Euchresta formosana radix induce cytotoxicity and apoptosis in human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (Hep3B). Anticancer Research 2007 Jul-Aug;27(4B):2415-25 SCI
0960525第一作者 Effects of oral administration of berberine on distribution and metabolism of 2-amino-fluorene in Sprague-Dawley rats. In Vivo. 2007;21:321-328. In Vivo 2007;21:321-328. SCI
0960309第五作者 Berberine inhibits WEHI-3 leukemia cells in vivo. In Vivo. 2007 Mar-Apr;21(2):407-12. SCI
0950403第一作者 Down-regulation of cyclin B1 and up-regulation of Wee1 by berberine promotes entry of leukemia cells into the G2/M-phase of the cell cycle. Anticancer Research 2006 Mar-Apr;26(2A):1097-104. SCI
0950208第五作者 Diallyl disulfide inhibits WEHI-3 leukemia cells in vivo. Anticancer Research 2006 Jan-Feb;26(1A):219-25. SCI
0950101第一作者 Apoptosis of human leukemia HL-60 cells and murine leukemia WEHI-3 cells induced by berberine through the activation of caspase-3. Anticancer Research 2006 Jan-Feb;26(1A):227-42. SCI
0940901第一作者 Berberine decreased N-acetylation of 2-aminofluorene through inhibition of N-acetyltransferase gene expression in human leukemia HL-60 cells. Anticancer Research 2005 Nov-Dec;25(6B):4149-55. SCI
* 研究計劃
政府其他部會之案件1000101 - 1001231主持人中藥芹菜成份-芹菜素誘導人類U-2 OS骨肉瘤細胞株產生細胞凋亡與抑制裸鼠異位移植腫瘤之評估
計畫型獎補助案1000101 - 1001231主持人探討黃芩有效成分白楊素(Chrysin)對血癌小鼠與其免疫調控之活體研究。
政府其他部會之案件0990101 - 0991231主持人中藥有效成份漢黃芩素引發人類骨癌細胞株U-2 OS細胞凋亡之相關分子機轉
政府其他部會之案件0990101 - 0991231主持人探討白花蛇舌草萃取物 (Hedyotis diffusa Wilid (HDW) extract) 抗血癌活體研究與正常小鼠免疫調節作用
政府其他部會之案件0980101 - 0981231主持人以針刺及補腎益氣活血中藥PSUNHT1對中臺灣阿茲海默氏症病人療效評估之研究
政府其他部會之案件0980101 - 0981231主持人探討中藥大黃成份丹??(Danthron)抑制人類腦癌細胞株(human brain glioblastoma multiforms GBM 8401)轉移之細胞分子機轉研究。
政府其他部會之案件0970101 - 0971231主持人97年中醫臨床教學訓練改善計劃
政府其他部會之案件0960101 - 0961231主持人96年中醫臨床教學訓練改善計劃
政府其他部會之案件0950201 - 0951231主持人中藥小?鹼(berberine)引發人類舌癌細胞株SCC-4凋亡之相關分子機轉
* 研討會論文
1000826第一作者A preliminary study of acupuncture and TCM PSUNHT1 to Alzheimer's Disease in central Taiwan hospital.上海中醫藥大學 第10屆中草藥全球化醫學會議
1000826第一作者Chrysin, a natural and biologically active flavonoid, influences a murine leukemic mice model in vivo through enhancing pollutions of T and B cells, promoting macrophage phgocytosis and NK cell cytotoxicity. 上海中醫藥大學 第10屆中草藥全球化醫學會議
0990925第一作者Wogonin triggers apoptosis in human osteosarcoma U-2 OS cells through the endoplasmic reticulum stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and caspase-3-dependent signaling pathways.義守大學 兩岸中醫論壇
0990313第一作者以針刺及補腎益氣活血中藥PSUNHT1對 中台灣阿茲海默氏症病人療效評估之研究Taipei Traditional Medicine International Forum 2010
0971017第一作者Induction of apoptosis by cantharidin in COLO-205 human colorectal carcinoma cell lines希臘 科斯島(Island of Kos, Greece)第八屆世界國際抗癌醫學大會
0960427第一作者Berberine induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human HSC-3 oral cancer cells..Experimental Biology 2007
0950401第一作者Down-regulation of cyclin B1 expression by berberine promotes leukemia cells into the G2/M-phase of cell cycle.Experimental Biology 2006
* 指導專題或競賽
* 專利
* 學術性研究專書、教師專業專書、技術報告資料
0970603第一作者(或通訊作者)慢性腎功能不全合併中醫治療之病例報告臺灣中醫臨床醫學雜誌 14卷1期
0961023第一作者(或通訊作者)肝癌合併中醫治療病例報告臺灣中醫臨床醫學雜誌 13卷3期
0960226第一作者(或通訊作者)針藥並用搶救顱內出血術後危症一例報告臺灣中醫臨床醫學雜誌 13卷1期
0940609第二作者小兒尿床之中醫辨證臺灣中醫臨床醫學雜誌 11卷2期 2005/06
0900623第二作者內經決氣篇氣液學說定義中醫藥雜誌 5卷1期 1994/03
0830323第一作者(或通訊作者)台灣中醫臨床教育之探討中醫藥雜誌 5卷1期 1994/03