1110926 | 第一作者 |
A note on ‘a two-warehouse partial backlogging inventory model for deteriorating items with permissible delay in payment under inflation’
International Journal of Operational Research
| 各學院認定之優良專業領域期刊(國際期刊) |
1100301 | 第二作者 |
EOQ-based pricing and customer credit decisions under general supplier payments.
European Journal of Operational Research
| SCI |
1090104 | 第一作者 |
Retailer’s ordering policy for demand depending on expiration date with limited storage capacity under supplier credits linked to order quantity and discounted cash-flow.
International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics
| 其他 |
1080424 | 第一作者 |
Optimal Ordering Policy for Deteriorating Items with Limited Storage Capacity under Two-Level Trade Credit Linked to Order Quantity by a Discounted Cash-Flow Analysis
Open Jpurnal of Business and Management
| 其他 |
1080307 | 第一作者 |
An Inventory Model for Ramp-Type Demand with Two-Level Trade Credit Financing Linked to Order Quantity
Open Journal of Business and Management
| 其他 |
1070116 | 第一作者 |
An Optimal Ordering Policy for Deteriorating Items with Partial Backlogging and Time Varying Selling Price and Purchasing Cost under Inflation.
International Journal of Operational Research
| 各學院認定之優良專業領域期刊(國際期刊) |
1020719 | 通訊作者 |
An Inventory Model for Increasing Demand under Two Levels of Trade Credit Linked to Order Quantity
Applied Mathematical Modelling
| SCI |
1020301 | 第一作者 |
A Two-warehouse Partial Backlogging Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Permissible Delay in Payment under Inflation
Applied Mathematical Modelling
| SCI |
1010510 | 第一作者 |
A Partial Backlogging Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Fluctuating Selling Price and Purchasing Cost
Advances in Operations Research
| 其他 |
1010314 | 第一作者 |
Two-warehouse Partial Backlogging Inventory Models with Three-parameter Weibull Distribution Deterioration under Inflation
International Journal of Production Economics
| SCI |
1000825 | 第一作者 |
A partial backlogging production-inventory lot-size model for deteriorating items with tme-varying production and demand rate over a finite time horizon
International Journal of Systems Science
| SCI |
1000515 | 第二作者 |
Economic Order Quantity Models for Deteriorating Items and Partial Backlogging When Demand is Quadratic in Time
European Journal of Industrial Engineering
| SCI |
0990105 | 第一作者 |
An inventory model under inflation for deteriorating items with stock-dependent consumption rate and partial backlogging shortages
International Journal of Production Economics
| SCI |
0971105 | 第二作者 |
Partial backlogging inventory lot-size models for deteriorating items with fluctuating demand under inflation
European Journal of Operational Research
| SCI |
0960615 | 第二作者 |
Deterministic Inventory Lot-size Models with Time-varying Demand and Cost under Generalized Holding Costs
INternational Journal of Information and Management Sciences
| EI |
0950901 | 第一作者 |
Two-warehouse partial backlogging inventory models for deteriorating items under inflation
International Journal of Production Economics
| SCI |
0950315 | 第一作者 |
A backward recursive algorithm for inventory lot-size models with power-form demand and shortages
International Journal of Systems Science
| SCI |
0940418 | 第一作者 |
A comparison among various partial backlogging inventory lot-size models for deteriorating items on the basis of maximum profit
International Journal of Production Economics
| SCI |
0930901 | 第一作者 |
Two-warehouse inventory models for deteriorating items with shortages under inflation
European Journal of Operational Research
| SCI |
0930501 | 第二作者 |
Deterministic economic order quantity models with partial backlogging when demand and cost are fluctuating with time
Journal of the Operational Research Society
| SCI |
0920401 | 第二作者 |
On an EOQ model for detriorating items with time-varying demand and partial backlogging
Journal of the Operational Research Society
| SCI |
0910301 | 第一作者 |
A forward recursive algorithm for inventory lot-size models with power-form demand and shortages
European Journal of Operational Research
| SCI |