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最後更新時間:112/12/12 14:30:43
* 教師基本資料
E-mail: hui@sunrise.hk.edu.tw
Office hours:星期一:第5-6節;星期二:第5節;星期三:第5節;星期四:第3, 5-6節
1121 學期授課課程:生物統計、專題(二)、人工智慧應用數學

* 學歷與經歷

國立清華大學 工業工程學系
國立台灣師範大 數學研究所
國立台灣師範大學 數學研究所
國立台灣師範大學 數學系
中華民國交通部民用航空局遙控無人機 普通操作證
Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals
* 期刊論文
1110926第一作者 A note on ‘a two-warehouse partial backlogging inventory model for deteriorating items with permissible delay in payment under inflation’ International Journal of Operational Research 各學院認定之優良專業領域期刊(國際期刊)
1100301第二作者 EOQ-based pricing and customer credit decisions under general supplier payments. European Journal of Operational Research SCI
1090104第一作者 Retailer’s ordering policy for demand depending on expiration date with limited storage capacity under supplier credits linked to order quantity and discounted cash-flow. International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics 其他
1080424第一作者 Optimal Ordering Policy for Deteriorating Items with Limited Storage Capacity under Two-Level Trade Credit Linked to Order Quantity by a Discounted Cash-Flow Analysis Open Jpurnal of Business and Management 其他
1080307第一作者 An Inventory Model for Ramp-Type Demand with Two-Level Trade Credit Financing Linked to Order Quantity Open Journal of Business and Management 其他
1070116第一作者 An Optimal Ordering Policy for Deteriorating Items with Partial Backlogging and Time Varying Selling Price and Purchasing Cost under Inflation. International Journal of Operational Research 各學院認定之優良專業領域期刊(國際期刊)
1020719通訊作者 An Inventory Model for Increasing Demand under Two Levels of Trade Credit Linked to Order Quantity Applied Mathematical Modelling SCI
1020301第一作者 A Two-warehouse Partial Backlogging Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Permissible Delay in Payment under Inflation Applied Mathematical Modelling SCI
1010510第一作者 A Partial Backlogging Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Fluctuating Selling Price and Purchasing Cost Advances in Operations Research 其他
1010314第一作者 Two-warehouse Partial Backlogging Inventory Models with Three-parameter Weibull Distribution Deterioration under Inflation International Journal of Production Economics SCI
1000825第一作者 A partial backlogging production-inventory lot-size model for deteriorating items with tme-varying production and demand rate over a finite time horizon International Journal of Systems Science SCI
1000515第二作者 Economic Order Quantity Models for Deteriorating Items and Partial Backlogging When Demand is Quadratic in Time European Journal of Industrial Engineering SCI
0990105第一作者 An inventory model under inflation for deteriorating items with stock-dependent consumption rate and partial backlogging shortages International Journal of Production Economics SCI
0971105第二作者 Partial backlogging inventory lot-size models for deteriorating items with fluctuating demand under inflation European Journal of Operational Research SCI
0960615第二作者 Deterministic Inventory Lot-size Models with Time-varying Demand and Cost under Generalized Holding Costs INternational Journal of Information and Management Sciences EI
0950901第一作者 Two-warehouse partial backlogging inventory models for deteriorating items under inflation International Journal of Production Economics SCI
0950315第一作者 A backward recursive algorithm for inventory lot-size models with power-form demand and shortages International Journal of Systems Science SCI
0940418第一作者 A comparison among various partial backlogging inventory lot-size models for deteriorating items on the basis of maximum profit International Journal of Production Economics SCI
0930901第一作者 Two-warehouse inventory models for deteriorating items with shortages under inflation European Journal of Operational Research SCI
0930501第二作者 Deterministic economic order quantity models with partial backlogging when demand and cost are fluctuating with time Journal of the Operational Research Society SCI
0920401第二作者 On an EOQ model for detriorating items with time-varying demand and partial backlogging Journal of the Operational Research Society SCI
0910301第一作者 A forward recursive algorithm for inventory lot-size models with power-form demand and shortages European Journal of Operational Research SCI
* 學術性研究專書、教師專業專書、技術報告資料